100 floors lvl 46

 1. you have got to match the symbols on the door with the symbols that area unit mirrored on the bottom.


100 floors lvl 46

    2. The presses you would like to try to to are:

        First row:

            Left: three times
            Middle: three times
            Right: three times

        Second row:

            Left: three times
            Middle: a pair of times
            Right: three times

        Third row:

            Left: a pair of times
            Middle: one time
            Right: a pair of times

100 floors lvl 46

   3. The door ought to currently be open, and you will proceed to floor forty seven.

100 floors lvl 46

    100 Floors Level forty six Walkthrough, Answers, Solutions, and Hints for Level forty six with rationalization on iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android.
What is the answer for one hundred Floors Level forty six ?

We try our greatest to unravel the solution manually and update the solution into here, presently the simplest answer we tend to found for these are:

    Follow the reflection from the lowest floor
 till all the shapes correct
    The door are opened

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