100 floors lvl 45

1. Having the hammer chosen within the inventory, faucet on the silver box till in brakes.

100 floors lvl 45

2. devour the knife that's within the bottom left of the elevator.


100 floors lvl 45

3. With the knife chosen, cut the rope that holds the balloon. Then tilt the phone to guide the balloon into the red button.

100 floors lvl 45

4. you'll currently advance to floor forty five.


100 floors lvl 45

What is the answer for one hundred Floors Level forty five ?

We try our greatest to unravel the solution manually and update the solution into here, presently the simplest answer we tend to found for these are:

    Use Hammer to interrupt the Air Blower at the highest of the door
 devour the Knife at the LEFT Bottom of the door
    Use the Knife to chop the Balloon
    The Balloon can fly up
    Tilt your phone for forty five degree
 till the Balloon bit the Red Button on the highest of the door
    The door are going to be opened

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